Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Belated Meme response

My apologies  for the long silence. Between my recent illness and an approaching deadline at work, I've had next to no time for anything other than panic and exhaustion. Things are starting to calm down a little bit, so I'm hoping to get back to that quasi normal thing that almost resembles a blog schedule.

Also, I want to thank everyone for your prayers and well-wishes over the last few weeks. It means a lot that you guys are thinking of me. And as an update, I'm almost back to normal these days: I'm out of danger from the blood clot in my leg (though it's still there, it is no longer growing or likely to break off and become another embolism), and I can walk/move around normally again. I'm still on blood thinners and will be for the next six months, which means no contact sports/anything that might cause lacerations, major abrasions, or internal trauma...so my career as an NFL linebacker is pretty much over ;) (see my profile picture if you don't get this joke). Restrictions not withstanding, I'm feeling really good and I'm glad to be getting back to life as usual. Now, on to my real post!

So, a few weeks ago, Rosie, over at East for Green Eyes, tagged me in a meme. To be honest, I don't even know what a meme is, but I figure it can't hurt to respond/pass it on. Besides, I think this is kind of fun!

If you could go back in time and relive one moment, what would it be?
Well, I would have to say I'd like to relive my honeymoon... What can I say? It is still one of the happiest times in my entire life. Although, this time around, I'd make sure my wife and I both remembered to bring our hiking stuff...

If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
I would change my career path from technical writer/XML editor to SFF editor. Even though I like my job, I constantly find myself wishing I could just get back to reading whatever book I'm in the middle of at the moment. And to have someone pay me to do it would be the best thing EVER.

What movie/tv character do you most resemble in personality?
To be completely honest, I really can't think of one. I even asked my wife and she couldn't think of one either. However, there are a few characters that I almost come close to resembling/wish I resembled:
  1. Wedge Antilles (if you don't know him, there's no use explaining)
  2. Marshal Erickson (How I Met Your Mother)
  3. John Crichton (Farscape)

If you could push one person off a cliff and get away with it, who would it be?
Yeah, I couldn't do that. Mostly because I'd be waaaaaaaaaaaay too terrified of falling to get close enough to push someone. Now my dirty secret is out.

Name one habit you want to change in yourself.
Laziness. I really think this is a habit. We get comfortable in routine. After my father died in 2008, I didn't do ANYTHING. I watched lots of TV. I sat on my butt. And it's been really hard to break those habits since then.

Describe yourself in one word.

Describe the person who named you in this meme in one word.

Why do you blog? Answer in one sentence.
I blog because it lets me share what I'm learning about writing (and occasionally vent about writing) with people who I know have the same interests and problems as I do. It's almost therapeutic at times.

Who am I tagging? 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Unforseen Difficulties

Hi everyone,

So, last week I promised everyone that I would be putting up some fun and exciting posts soon. Obviously, I haven't done anything yet, but for good reason. On Friday I was diagnosed with a blood clot in my left leg...then on Sunday I was diagnosed with two pulmonary embolisms on Sunday (i.e. a couple pieces of the clot broke off and migrated to my lungs). So, I've been in the hospital for the last couple of days.

The good news:

They should let me go home sometime tomorrow. My doctor says the embolisms are small enough that they shouldn't cause any major problems, but they want me to stay here in the hospital until my medication kicks in (it takes a few days). Hopefully this isn't due to some previously unknown blood disorder (if it is I'll have to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life). I'll keep you all posted.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What's the Score blogfest

Hi everyone!

So, this is my first ever blogfest. I'm kind of excited! The whole point behind the What's the Score blogfest is to create playlists/soundtracks (or share ones you've already made) for your WIP. This was SUPER easy for me because that's what I do anyway to help myself get in the right mindset for a particular scene/chapter. So, without further ado, I present my soundtrack for Dathan the Sorcerer (my current WIP):

From Richard Einhorn's Voices of Light:
  1. Interrogation
  2. Pater Noster
  3. Torture
  4. Sacrament
From Nobuo Uematsu's Final Fantasy 5 & 6 scores:
  1. Into the Darkness (FF5)
  2. Omen (FF6)
  3. Kefka
  4. Cyan's Theme
  5. The Inforgiven (sic)
  6. The Esper World
  7. Terra's Theme
  8. Relm's Theme
  9. The Fanatics
  10. The Mystic Forest
By Enya:
  1. Fallen Embers
  2. Tempus Vernum
From Mitch Leigh's Man of La Mancha:
  1. The Impossible Dream (the Quest)
By Loreena McKennitt:
  1. Ancient Pines
  2. The Mummers' Dance
From Gladiator:
  1. The Battle 
  2. Now We Are Free 

From the Chrono Trigger soundtrack:
  1. Frog's Theme
I expect most of you have never heard several of these. Go look them up! If you listen to these, you'll have a basic idea of the tone/mood of Dathan the Sorcerer. Also, I know I've been slacking the last few weeks, but I'm going to make it up. I just finished an amazing book and plan to post a review soon, there's another blogfest I'm interested in (though that's not until June 20), and a meme I need to respond to. So keep your eyes open for those posts in the next few days!